Washington, D.C. 20549

                                      SCHEDULE 13D

                       Under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                                   (Amendment No. 2)*

                                       HSN, INC.
                   (formerly named Silver King Communications, Inc.)
                                    (Name of Issuer)

                             Common Stock, $0.01 par value 
                             (Title of Class of Securities)

                                      40429R 10 9
                                     (CUSIP Number)

                                 Robert D. Myers, Esq.
                                Transamerica Corporation
                                 600 Montgomery Street
                                San Francisco, CA  94111
                                     (415) 983-5015                 
                     (Name, Address and Telephone Number of Person
                   Authorized to Receive Notices and Communications)

                                   December 19, 1996
                             (Date of Event which Requires
                               Filing of this Statement)

             If the filing person has previously filed a statement on
             Schedule 13G to report the acquisition which is the subject
             of this Schedule 13D, and is filing this schedule because of
             Rule 13d-1(b)(3) or (4), check the following box [x].

             Note:  Six copies of this statement, including all exhibits,
             should be filed with the Commission.  See Rule 13d-1(a) for
             other parties to whom copies are to be sent.

             *The remainder of this cover page shall be filled out for a
             reporting person's initial filing on this form with respect
             to the subject class of securities, and for any subsequent
             amendment containing information which would alter the
             disclosures provided in a prior cover page.

             The information required in the remainder of this cover page
             shall not be deemed to be "filed" for the purpose of
             Section 18 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 ("Act") or
             otherwise subject to the liabilities of that section of the
             Act but shall be subject to all other provisions of the Act
             (however, see the Notes).

       1   Name of Reporting Person                    TRANSAMERICA CORPORATION

           IRS Identification No. of Above Person                    94-0932740
       2   Check the Appropriate Box if a Member of a Group           (a)  [ ] 

                                                                      (b)  [x] 

       3   SEC USE ONLY

       4   Source of Funds                                                   WC

       5   Check Box if Disclosure of Legal Proceedings is
           Required Pursuant to Items 2(d) or 2(e)                         [ ] 

       6   Citizenship or Place of Organization                        Delaware

                          7    Sole Voting Power                              0

         NUMBER OF
          SHARES          8    Shared Voting Power                     657,000*
       BENEFICIALLY                                    * See Note to Item 5
       OWNED BY EACH      9    Sole Dispositive Power                         0
                         10    Shared Dispositive Power                657,000*
                                                       * See Note to Item 5

       11   Aggregate Amount Beneficially Owned by Each
            Reporting Person                                           657,000*
                                                      * See Note to Item 5
       12   Check Box if the Aggregate Amount in Row 11 
            Excludes Certain Shares                                        [ ] 

       13   Percent of Class Represented by Amount in Row 11               1.8%

       14   Type of Reporting Person                                         HC

             Item 1.   Security and Issuer

                       This statement relates to shares of the common
             stock, $0.01 par value (the "Common Stock") of HSN, Inc.
             (formerly named Silver King Communications, Inc.) (the
             "Issuer").  The principal executive office and mailing
             address of the Issuer is 11831 30th Court North, St.
             Petersburg, Florida 33716.

             Item 2.   Identity and Background

                       This statement is filed by Transamerica Corporation
             ("Transamerica"), a Delaware corporation.  Its address is 600
             Montgomery Street, San Francisco, California 94111.  See
             Annex A for the identities of and certain information
             relating to Transamerica's directors and executive officers.

                  Neither Transamerica nor any of its directors or
             executive officers has, during the past five years, been
             convicted of any criminal proceeding (other than a traffic
             citation or similar, minor infraction), nor been a party to a
             civil proceeding of a judicial or administrative body of
             competent jurisdiction and as a result of such proceeding was
             or is subject to a judgment, decree or final order enjoining
             future violations of, or prohibiting or mandating activities
             subject to, federal or state securities laws or finding any
             violation with respect to such laws.  Each of the persons
             named in Annex A is a citizen of the United States of
             America, except Richard H. Finn, who is a citizen of Great
             Britain, and Mark A. McEachen, who is a citizen of Canada.

             Item 3.   Source and Amount of Funds or Other Consideration

                       The source of funds for purchases of Common Stock
             reported as beneficially owned, directly or indirectly, in
             Item 5 of this Statement was the working capital of
             Transamerica and its subsidiaries.  The shares owned for the
             benefit of non-affiliate investment advisory clients of one
             of Transamerica's subsidiaries were purchased with cash
             assets of such clients.

             Item 4.   Purpose of Transaction

                       The shares of Common Stock beneficially owned by
             Transamerica and its subsidiaries were acquired in the
             ordinary course of business for investment purposes and were
             not acquired for the purpose (and do not have the effect) of
             changing or influencing the control of the Issuer, and were
             not acquired in connection with any transaction having such
             purposes or effects.  Depending on market conditions and
             other factors, Transamerica or its subsidiaries may purchase
             additional shares of the Common Stock in the open market or
             in private transactions.  Alternatively, depending on market
             conditions and other factors, Transamerica or its

             subsidiaries may sell all or some of their shares of the
             Common Stock.

                       Neither Transamerica nor any of its directors or
             officers has plans or proposals that relate to or would
             result in any of the actions set forth in clauses (a) through
             (j) of Item 4.  

             Item 5.   Interest in Securities of the Issuer

                       (a), (b), (c) and (d).  According to information
             received from the Issuer, the number of shares of Common
             Stock outstanding as of December 31, 1996, was 35,991,553. 
             Transamerica may be deemed to beneficially own 657,000
             shares, which, based on the foregoing information, is
             approximately 1.8% of the outstanding Common Stock. 
             Transamerica directly owns 106,000 of such shares.  The
             remaining 551,000 shares, including 100,000 shares owned for
             the benefit of non-affiliate investment advisory clients of
             one of Transamerica's subsidiaries, are beneficially owned by
             direct and indirect subsidiaries of Transamerica who are
             eligible to file Schedule 13G pursuant to Rule 13d-1.  See
             Annex B with respect to transactions by Transamerica in the
             Common Stock in the past 60 days, all of which were effected
             through broker-dealers.  

                       Note:  Management of the affairs of Transamerica's
             subsidiaries, including decisions respecting dispositions
             and/or voting of the shares of the Common Stock beneficially
             owned by such subsidiaries, resides in the respective
             officers and directors of the subsidiaries and is not
             directed by Transamerica or other subsidiaries.  Accordingly,
             the filing of this Schedule 13D by Transamerica is not
             intended as, and should not be deemed as, an acknowledgment
             of beneficial ownership or shared voting or dispositive power
             by Transamerica of the shares of the Common Stock
             beneficially owned by its subsidiaries, and such beneficial
             ownership or attribution or shared voting or dispositive
             power is expressly disclaimed.

                       (e)   On December 19, 1996, Transamerica ceased to
             be deemed to be the beneficial owner of 5% or more of the
             Common Stock.

             Item 6.   Contracts, Arrangements, Understandings or
                       Relationships with Respect to Securities of the


             Item 7.   Material to be Filed as Exhibits



                       After reasonable inquiry and to the best of their
             knowledge and belief, the undersigned certify that the
             information set forth in this statement is true, complete and

                                           TRANSAMERICA CORPORATION

             February 12, 1997             By   /s/ Richard N. Latzer
                                                Richard N. Latzer
                                                Senior Vice President and
                                                Chief Investment Officer

                                                                    ANNEX A


                              Business                 Principal
          Name                Address                  Occupation

          Frank C. Herringer  600 Montgomery Street    Chairman,
                              San Francisco, CA        President and
                              94111                    Chief Executive

          Samuel L. Ginn      1 California Street      Chairman and
                              San Francisco, CA        Chief Executive
                              94111                    Officer, AirTouch

          Gordon E. Moore     2200 Mission College     Chairman, Intel
                              Blvd.                    Corporation
                              Santa Clara, CA 95052

          Robert W.           375 Park Avenue          Vice Chairman and
          Matschullat         New York, NY 10152       Chief Financial
                                                       Officer, The
                                                       Seagram Company

          Toni Rembe          225 Bush Street          Partner, 
                              San Francisco, CA        Pillsbury Madison
                              94104                    & Sutro

          Condoleeza Rice     Stanford, CA 94305       Provost, Stanford

          Charles R. Schwab   101 Montgomery Street    Chairman and
                              San Francisco, CA        Chief Executive
                              94104                    Officer, The 
                                                       Charles Schwab

          Forrest N. Shumway  600 Montgomery Street    Retired Vice
                              San Francisco, CA        Chairman, Allied-
                              94111                    Signal Inc.

          Peter V. Ueberroth  500 Newport Center       Managing Director,
                              Drive, Suite 900         The Contrarian
                              Newport Beach, CA        Group, Inc.

                                  Executive Officers

          Name                Address                       Title

          Frank C. Herringer  Transamerica Corporation      Chairman,
                              600 Montgomery Street         President and
                              San Francisco, CA             Chief Executive
                              94111                         Officer

          Thomas J. Cusack    Transamerica Corporation      Executive Vice
                              600 Montgomery Street         President
                              San Francisco, CA

          Richard H. Finn     Transamerica Corporation      Executive Vice
                              600 Montgomery Street         President
                              San Francisco, CA

          Edgar H. Grubb      Transamerica Corporation      Executive Vice
                              600 Montgomery Street         President and
                              San Francisco, CA             Chief Financial
                              94111                         Officer

          Robert A. Watson    Transamerica Corporation      Executive Vice
                              600 Montgomery Street         President
                              San Francisco, CA

          Shirley H. Buccieri Transamerica Corporation      Senior Vice
                              600 Montgomery Street         President,
                              San Francisco, CA             General Counsel
                              94111                         and Secretary

          Richard H. Fearon   Transamerica Corporation      Senior Vice
                              600 Montgomery Street         President-San
                              Francisco, CA                 Corporate
                              94111                         Development

          Richard N. Latzer   Transamerica Corporation      Senior Vice
                              600 Montgomery Street         President and
                              San Francisco, CA             Chief
                              94111                         Investment

          Burton E. Broome    Transamerica Corporation      Vice President
                              600 Montgomery Street         and Controller
                              San Francisco, CA

          Mark A. McEachen    Transamerica Corporation      Vice President
                              600 Montgomery Street         and Treasurer
                              San Francisco, CA

                                                                    ANNEX B

                             Transactions in Common Stock

          Transamerica has sold 15,000 shares of Common Stock in open
          market transactions since December 12, 1996, at the prices and in
          the amounts shown below.

                                                Average Price Per Share ($) 
                Date           No. of Shares      (excluding commissions)

           December 31, 1996       15,000                   23.75